I mentioned on Twitter a few days back that a journalist (Matthew Parris)  had written for The Times Newspaper concerning Somaliland…well, our good friend Toby Kenyon not only read the article, but crafted a reply which was published in the Times the following day.  He’s given me permission to post his reply here for you all to appreciate.  As always, comments always welcome!


Sir ,

Mr Matthew Parris, in The Times of 16 August, rightly draws attention to the need for Sovereignty for The Republic of Somaliland. He states “” British ministers and diplomats are feeling sheepish about failing to support the good guys against the bad guys. “”

After the preparatory meeting on 1 February 2012 before the major international conference of 23 February , Lord Luce wrote to the Times expressing the view that the Somaliland’s re-recognition at The United Nations , as she was on 26 June 1960 ,would be the best ray of hope for the troubled Horn of Africa , as well as The Yemen.

Britain should cease ignoring our faithful and brave ally , Somaliland ,who had suffered the tyranny of Somalia until 1991 ; since when Somalilnd has rebuilt a fine democratic nation , which the African Union Fact-Finding Mission of 2005 declared ready for sovereignty forthwith . The Council of The African Union are continuing to ignore that declaration .

It is reprehensible and corrupt for The United Kingdom to remain silent before this African Union negligence