Toby Kenyon’s Reponse to Times Newspaper Article

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I mentioned on Twitter a few days back that a journalist (Matthew Parris)  had written for The Times Newspaper concerning Somaliland…well, our good friend Toby Kenyon not only read the article, but crafted a reply which was published in the Times the following day.  He’s given me permission to post his reply here for you all to appreciate.  As always, comments always welcome!


Sir ,

Mr Matthew Parris, in The Times of 16 August, rightly draws attention to the need for Sovereignty for The Republic of Somaliland. He states “” British ministers and diplomats are feeling sheepish about failing to support the good guys against the bad guys. “”

After the preparatory meeting on 1 February 2012 before the major international conference of 23 February , Lord Luce wrote to the Times expressing the view that the Somaliland’s re-recognition at The United Nations , as she was on 26 June 1960 ,would be the best ray of hope for the troubled Horn of Africa , as well as The Yemen.

Britain should cease ignoring our faithful and brave ally , Somaliland ,who had suffered the tyranny of Somalia until 1991 ; since when Somalilnd has rebuilt a fine democratic nation , which the African Union Fact-Finding Mission of 2005 declared ready for sovereignty forthwith . The Council of The African Union are continuing to ignore that declaration .

It is reprehensible and corrupt for The United Kingdom to remain silent before this African Union negligence

Weighing in on sovereignty for Somaliland

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I’ve been a bit quiet with the blog lately, so firstly my apologies on that front.  My time has been spent frenetically job hunting (still looking if anyone knows of any entry level Peace/Somaliland type jobs!).  A few days ago, however, I received a truly inspiring email from my good friend Toby Kenyon relating to the issue of Somaliland sovereignty, and he’s very kindly given me permission to share it with you all.  So, without further ado…:


Somaliland has been the subject of two International Conferences this year ; in London on 23 February , and at Istanbul this summer .

On both occasions the need of Sovereignty for the Republic of Somaliland was neglected by the Delegates .

In 2004 the British Parliamentary Delegation reported that Somaliland was owed Re-recognition at once . At Westminster , on their return , the Delegation made their recommendation forcefully , with one MP- delegate stating bluntly…….. “”……..It is crazy that we do not recognize Somaliland now “”.

In 2005 the African Union Fact – Finding Mission reported that Somaliland is ready for Re-recognition forthwith . But The Council of The Afrcan Union have ignored the Report of their own Fact-Finding Mission .

In 2007 the UK All-Party Parliamentary Group visited Somaliland . Their report endorsed the African Union Fact-Finding Mission Report of 2005 , and added that it was inexplicable for no action , ( by The Afrcan Union Council to Re-recognize The Republic of Somaliland ) , to have been taken . This throws severe doubt on the veracity of The Afrcan Union Council .

In 2010 the Somaliland Presidential Election , ( which led to the transfer of power between parties ) , was faultless , ( which was not the report on the UK General Election of the same year ).

In the past few years there have been two WELL-CONDUCTED mass demonstrations at Westminster by Somalilanders living in UK . Both were ignored by The British Foreign and Commonwealth Ministers.

Academics and other people from all walks of life , with knowledge of Somaliland , have made public Statements , Parliamentary Comments , letters to the Press , and Petitions to The Cabinet , in support of The Re-recognition of The Republic of Somaliland , all to no avail , so far .

When the trouble in The Yemen and Somalia spreads to unrecognized ( and thus defenceless ) Somaliland , we , UK , will be totally to blame , because we are ignoring the constant pleas to us , UK , of the democratically elected government of Somaliland . We shall ( in that event ) try to pass the blame to the African Union , which has proved itself corrupt in this matter ( please see above )

The UK Media properly take note of the bombs , blood , oil , and Christians of South Sudan , whose frontier with North Sudan has not met the basic requirement of The 1933 Montevideo Convention .

The UK Media fail to note the peaceful Muslims with no oil ( so far ) of Somaliland , which does have well-surveyed frontiers since 1890 agreed by Clan Elders on both sides and with Ethiopia , Djibouti and Somalia , and which do meet the basis requirements of The Montevideo Convention of 1933 .

When oil is found on or off shore of Somaliland , who will protect the natural rights of the population of The Republic of Somaliland ?

The considerable authority in AU of Ethiopia , which has a large population of Somalis in its Ogaden Region , is a powerful influence for The Afrcan Union to continue to ignore the Recommendation of the AU Mission of 2005 for The Re-recognition of The Republic of Somaliland .

The Economist (31 March 2012 page 55 ) measure of Governance in Africa shows Somaliland as a leading country with good government , and Ethiopia as one of the countries with very poor governance .

Professor Peter Schraeder of Chicago , Professor Iqubal of South Africa , the investigative journalists of Le Monde Diplomatique , and other experts on Somaliland have all warned us of our strategic blindness in neglecting Somaliland . Even if Somaliland were not in the most volatile and unstable region of the world __ which she is __ it is criminal neglect and selfishness for The countries of The United Nations to cause Somalilanders the unemployment which comes of NON-RECOGNITION.

For the failed – state Somalia to be in the position of holding Somaliland to ransome by its refusal to acknowledge Somaliland’s legal separation from Somalia , is a form of political blackmail , to which Britain is an accomplice .

The Republic of Somaliland has her strength and integrity and patriotism by the building of the nation from the bottom grass-roots on 18 May 1991 to the height of the well – respected institutions which make for a sound nation …….. free press , loyal police , impartial judiciary and democratic government with no corruption . Yet , when we look at our own UK institutions , we are ashamed of our own failings , whilst refusing the request of Somaliland for Re-recognition of her Sovereignty which we gave Somaliland on 26 June 1960 .

Toby Kenyon


If any of you have any thoughts on what Toby has written, please, please, please leave comments and I will be sure to pass them on to him.  Toby has, and continues to be a tireless crusader for Somaliland’s rights and claim to sovereignty, so even if the message is simply to tell him to “keep up the good work”, I am sure he will appreciate it! 🙂